

Why I Am Here

I recently started documenting the crafts and activities my daughters and I are doing together. I want to share these moments with my family and friends (and anyone who is interested) because they are so special to us.

This started out as an album on my personal Facebook page. I felt moving over to a blog format would be easier to explain what is going on and why we are doing certain things in our photos. Captions can be fun, but they aren't good for telling the whole story.
Playing and exploring are essential to learning!

Since I can really expand on what we are doing in this format, more of our daily lives and the "what" and "why" of the way we live can be fully explored. I try to practice Child-led/parent-involved play because I believe it creates an environment that invites learning and provides the most opportunity for development at it's fullest. Being present during play, but not leading or taking charge, allows children to gain confidence alongside skill while retaining more information. I am there to help, answer questions, and sometimes even join in. 
